Declaration of the founding of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics in the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society

1st /Jan. /2021

Condensed Matter Physics is one of the major parts of physics that covers a wide range of disciplines. Diversity and interdisciplinarity are the essential features of their activities. It is constantly developing with strong interactions with various scientific areas and contributes to the expansion of human knowledge and the developments of society.
In the Asia-Pacific region, research and education in condensed matter physics are actively studied, and exchanges of personnel and knowledge are becoming more active across the region year by year and global international exchange. Given this situation, there is a strong need to form an organization representing the scientific community for systematic and continuous exchanges to further develop condensed matter physics in the Asia-Pacific region.
There was a meeting at Asia-Pacific Physics Conference 2019 in Malaysia, which was stimulated by the call for the division formation upon the initiative of the council of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society. It was then followed up by voluntary actions from condensed matter physics communities across the region. We have been continuing our discussion to form the Division of Condensed Matter Physics, despite the difficult situation due to the coronavirus in most of 2020. We have since made our significant steps toward the formation of the division. And we came to conclude that we will form the division for the following purposes.
Division of condensed matter physics will promote the progress and disseminate condensed matter physics knowledge and its application through research presentations, exchange of knowledge, and corporation among members and other academic societies. We thereby aim to contribute to the development of academic research. It will cover the diverse research fields of condensed matter physics in the collaboration of related divisions/organizations/ groups in the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society.
Here, we declare the founding of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics and invite many researchers in the Associations of Asia Pacific Physical Society
to join this division.
The names of the formal founding members and the initial participation members of the division are given in below.

Signatories of the founding and initial members.

The initial participation members