Mission Statement
The Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the AAPPS represents the condensed matter physics community of all participating and interested physics societies across the Asia and Oceania regions. We aim to strengthen the whole community's academic networking, exchange, and collaboration in the regions by organizing and sponsoring meetings at several levels. We want to play an active role in shaping the future of condensed matter physics in the Asia-Oceania regions and worldwide.
Message from Chair

Prof. Hai-Hu Wen
Just as various states of condensed matter emerge from the combinations of a limited number of elements and interactions among a large number of electrons, new values in condensed matter physics will be created through interactions in the scientific community. In this analogy the condensed matter crystal can be represented by the DCMP, and the electrons moving around in it are the DCMP members.
The DCMP holds an international conference AC2MP every year, and will promote co-sponsored symposiums and sessions between the DCMP and each society at local annual meetings. The ultimate goal of this is the establishment of the “open policy” of the annal meetings in AAPPS member associations. It will be the nice large academic crystal where the researchers are moving around. Then what about the interactions?
The most important and essential interaction is the sharing of information via the DCMP’s website, newsletters, and mailing lists. We will maintain and drastically strengthen these three functionalities. The increasing opportunities and increasing interactions of the DCMP.
We hope that this will create new values.